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A Few Tips for Backpacking Europe

A marketing manager with International Staging in Boston since 2015, Sebastian Smalanskas is a travel and backpacking enthusiast. In 2019 Sebastian Smalanskas traveled throughout Europe for nearly a year, visiting Italy, Spain, France, and the United Kingdom, among other countries.

There are a number of considerations individuals should make prior to setting out on a backpacking trip in Europe in order to ensure their safety, as well as an overall enjoyable experience.

First and foremost, backpackers should plan extensively, particularly if they intend to take on the continent alone. An abundance of online resources can prove useful in this regard, helping backpackers prepare for everything from language barriers to affordable lodgings. In some cases, a simple travel guide can tell a traveler everything they need to know about where to eat, how to save money, how to avoid tourist traps or scams, and so on.

Unsurprisingly, backpackers will spend a lot of time wearing their pack. With this in mind, it is best to pack as lightly as possible. As mentioned, a depth of online resources can help travelers identify items that are useful to pack and those that are superfluous, but at the end of day the best piece of advice is to pack only the absolute essentials. Whatever can be left behind, should be.

Travel insurance is a major consideration that must be taken out. Traveling without insurance can save money up front, but facing a significant illness or accident on the road without traveler’s insurance can prove far more costly. World Nomads is a popular travelers insurance services provider, though backpackers will of course need to perform their own research to determine what coverage best meets their needs.

Finally, backpackers should make a short list covering some of the more common traveling mistakes. During the height of the season, for instance, Europe is more crowded than ever, with food and lodging costs rising commensurately, so backpacking off-season is advisable. Similarly, European nations like Croatia and the Czech Republic are as beautiful and historically cultured as France and Italy, but are far more affordable.
A Few Tips for Backpacking Europe

A Few Tips for Backpacking Europe


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